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5 Stories from the Mahabharata , that inspired me

1. The princes are told to shoot the eye of a wooden bird that's placed on a tree. All the princes describe what they see, before they take their shot. They describe their surroundings. Only one prince describes JUST the eye. And hits the target. He was Arjuna. Moral : Focus. 2. 2 rivals - Arjuna & Duryodhana are asked by Krishna (Avatar of God) to choose between an ARMY or just HIM alone. Arjuna goes 1st and instantly selects Krishna. Duryodhana is ecstatic when he gets to choose the army. He eventually loses the war Moral : Victory is in God. 3. Karna is considered the GREATEST warrior amongst all. He is known for his nobility. But he sides with the "evil" clan due to past promises. He is killed by Arjuna in the war. His side loses. Moral : Your actions will decide your fate more than your character ever can. 4. On the battlefield, Arjuna is concerned about BATTLING his own family. He thinks it's bad karma. Kris

Hanuman doesn't represent a half human half monkey . hanuman represent an energy , a 3 pronged thought process .

1. Self belief :  The boy Hanuman became Lord Hanuman when he trusted his own abilities and strengths. He didn't believe that he could fly across the sea, towards Lanka. He took a leap of faith and a deep breath of SELF BELIEF.  Eventually he became known as the God of STRENGTH AND PROTECTION. This story is a way of saying "Life long strength and protection arises from the seed of self confidence."  2. Strength : Hanumanji's divinity lies in his ever-lasting penance. He's known as the "bachelor" god or the god of abstinence (staying away from worldly pleasures like sex, alcohol, meat) Is "abstinence" the correct way a human should live his own life? Hell no. Go have sex, drink alcohol, eat non veg, do as you please. Hanumanji's abstinence represents the highest level of determination and strength.  If you ever feel like cutting off an evil from your life, you can withdraw inspiration from the monkey god! He is a symbol of mental

10 things that instantly make a man more attractive

1. Kindness to all, but especially those who are less fortunate: The true test of character is how a man treats those who add no value to his life. The more welcoming you are, the sexier you become. 2. The Ability to laugh with ease: Nothing says 'joyful human' like a smile that's easy to trigger. Who doesn't love an easy going soul? 3. Ambition with balance: It's very easy to find a driven human, thanks to the hustle culture we've grown up in. It's difficult to find a man who can balance work conversation with lighter conversations. Talk about goals, talk about ambition. But also talk about food & puppies with equal passion. Be multidimensional. 4. Ability to stay present: The easiest way to charm people. Listen with completeness. Switch off from all other thoughts. Switch off from all the people around you. And focus on staying with the person speaking to you. Nothing says 'respect' the way GENUINE eye contact and attention does. 5. Etiquette:

7 real teaching of hindusm -

1. Core philosophy The god you believe in is not half as big as the REAL god - Your actions (Your occupation as well as your karma) 2. Detachment Work hard without giving ANY importance to the reward you will receive. If your intentions are good and if you work hard constantly, THAT state of being is greater than any reward in the world. 3. Cyclic Nature of Life Life will always be a mix of good times and bad times. If you’re sad, you’re living in the past. If you’re nervous, you’re living in the future. If you want to be happy, only live in the present moment Do. 4. Faith is strength.  Irrespective of what you experience in life, always have blind faith in the universe. The firestorms that you go through, eventually create the armour you’ll carry through your life.  Have faith that everything will fall into place one day. 5. Dhyaan  Meditation is one of the main purposes of life. Your body, your mind and your soul are genetically wired to benefit from the power of meditation.  Over th

हिंदुओं के 7 वास्तविक शिक्षण

1. दर्शन जिस भगवान को आप मानते हैं, वह असली भगवान से आधा नहीं है - आपके कर्म (आपका व्यवसाय और साथ ही आपके कर्म) 2. डिटैचमेंट आपको मिलने वाले इनाम को कोई महत्व दिए बिना कड़ी मेहनत करें। यदि आपके इरादे अच्छे हैं और यदि आप लगातार कड़ी मेहनत करते हैं, तो आपकी स्थिति दुनिया में किसी भी पुरस्कार से अधिक है। 3. जीवन की चक्रीय प्रकृति जीवन हमेशा अच्छे समय और बुरे समय का मिश्रण होगा। यदि आप दुखी हैं, तो आप अतीत में रह रहे हैं। यदि आप परेशान हैं , तो आप भविष्य में रह रहे हैं। यदि आप खुश रहना चाहते हैं, तो केवल वर्तमान क्षण में जिएं करना। 4. विश्वास शक्ति है। चाहे जो भी आप जीवन में अनुभव करते हों, ब्रह्मांड में हमेशा अंध विश्वास रखें। जिन आग्नेयास्त्रों से आप गुज़रते हैं, अंततः वे कवच बनाते हैं जिन्हें आप अपने जीवन में लेकर चलते हैं। विश्वास रखें कि सब कुछ एक दिन में गिर जाएगा। 5. धयान ध्यान जीवन का एक मुख्य उद्देश्य है। आपका शरीर, आपका मन और आपकी आत्मा आनुवंशिक रूप से ध्यान की शक्ति से लाभान्वित होने के लिए वायर्ड हैं। वर्षों से, यह प्रथा खो गई है। जितना अधिक आप ध्यान करेंगे, उतन